Okay, my birthday is the same month (the 26th, happy early 28th birthday to me, I’m so old) but it’s Coffee by Design’s birthday!
Yes, everyone’s favorite coffee shop is turning a quarter century old this month! And to celebrate, they went all out. Check out this decadent donut:

This is not just any donut. It’s a collaboration donut with everyone’s favorite the Holy Donut! It’s a chocolate donut, glazed with a special cold brew glaze (that’s where the Holy Donut comes in (plus it’s infused with Coffee By Design’s exclusive Bella Crema espresso throughout the donut.

Here’s the other thing that’s really cool about this donut: even though it’s CBD’s birthday, they are continuing to give back! For every donut sold, 25 cents is donated to a B the Change non profit. How cool is that?
So you can get your sugar fix AND help your community all at the same time! I call that a win-win! Of course, it should really be no surprise at all if you’re familiar with Coffee By Design’s unique history.
I wasn’t, until I got to talking with one of their awesome staff members at their flagship store on Congress Street.
She told me that Coffee By Design was one of the first places in Portland that didn’t discriminate against people who were openly HIV positive when they opened their doors. In fact, they welcomed anyone and everyone, just as they still do today.
Considering the queer mecca that Portland has become, I think it’s important to remember that it is people like the owners of Coffee By Design who have helped create the Portland that we all love and live in today.
Not to mention, they made a conscious decision to open a coffee shop in a town that wasn’t exactly known for the finer things, at least at that time.
They could have opened in places like Seattle or Chicago or San Francisco or any other number of big cities, but I’m grateful that they saw something beautiful here in Portland.
So here’s to the first 25 years of Coffee By Design here in Portland, and here’s to many more! And if you want to get your hands on the donut above (because you know you do) it’s available at all Coffee By Design shops through the end of the month.